The expectations were quite high and a thriller sci-fi was imagined, yet what was recieved was a less exciting movie which failed to keep me on the edge of my seat. The opening of the movie reminded me of Pandora and the idea of sleep chambers was so overused. The character of the cyborg kept the script alive and protected it against complete plagariasm. The only unexpected thing came from the somewhat negative cyborg. The scientists posing as serious researchers, failed to stand up to the expectations. The colonies on distant planet seemed so "mission on mars" and "planet of the apes". The technology used is also not something that you expect to be in used in 2093, especially the fact that after spending trillions on a space expedition, the researchers are armed with mere flame throwers( you expect laser guns and big bazookas don't you?). You can't really acclaim anyone's acting except the unpredictable cyborg that kept the tempo, though little, running throughout the movie. The breeding and mating reminds you of species while the alien looks like a rip fromaliens and predator. Its true that the motive behind the expedition was our reason of existence and more you end up knowing nothing! The movie was like an expensive cracker that made little noise and less firework! The storyline was good yet failed to be exciting and ended up being boring. Keeping in mind hints of plagariasm and lack of thrill it gets only 2 from me plus half for the cyborg.
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