This is my first mobile post as every single post before this came from my dual core PC). A mobile is now capable of almost everything that once only a PC could perform. Well that's because we no longer live in a world of 300MHz processors but a crackling 1.6 GHz!. The 14" CRTs have been transformed into 22" LEDs but the meager two inch screens have also been replaced by screens measuring 4 inches or more. Couple it with the fact that a technology in appreciated more if it becomes mobile. The same happens to gadgets when super-fast 1GHz+ processors are put under 4" hood that pack retina or AMOLED display and are fitted with cameras capable of shooting in full HD. It has become a new arena for battle where everyone is trying their level best to outrun others. The tech world has found a new driving force in the form of the mobile platform. Facebook forcing marketing sector to adjust and respond to this new mobile platform is a good example of that. Organizations like Instagram are getting paid billions of dollars as it witnesses an increasing subscriber base as it adds up android to the existing iOS platform. It would be rightful to say that if there will be a Facebook killer, it will be born mobile. A fact backing this assumption is that over 425M of Facebook's active users are mobile, with some sources listing the number as high as 488M, which is more than 50% of it total subscriber base(900M).
The fight for creating the most superior OS has reached a new level and has now got a new platform. It's Android vs iOS vs Windows( yes some will argue that I forgot Blackberry OS, Bada and Symbian, but in this age of tech crusade these oldies have failed to cope up. They might just vanish!) Apple's iOS 6 was a crisp and bold answer to Ice Cream Sandwich and Windows8 but the upcoming android upgrades are packing a punch as well, making the war truly looks "thermonuclear"! Browsers, development software or design and graphic packages, there's a new platform for them all.
The fight for creating the most superior OS has reached a new level and has now got a new platform. It's Android vs iOS vs Windows( yes some will argue that I forgot Blackberry OS, Bada and Symbian, but in this age of tech crusade these oldies have failed to cope up. They might just vanish!) Apple's iOS 6 was a crisp and bold answer to Ice Cream Sandwich and Windows8 but the upcoming android upgrades are packing a punch as well, making the war truly looks "thermonuclear"! Browsers, development software or design and graphic packages, there's a new platform for them all.
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