EX119, EX128, Lumia 800,820,710,700,900,920, Curve 9360,9250,8860etc. Are these names? Really? Till i knew every new phone came with a new name, exciting names. But it seems like the creative heads of these hot shot tech firms are out of names, or at least it is safe to assume so. 100 is succeeded by 120, which is further succeed by 200. Or rather play the safe game, take one big bang phone, and then its extensions for next 3 years, S, S2, S3 or add a new feature and then the same to its name. Razr, Razr maxx, Razr HD, Razr M and so on.... is the tech dictionary exhausted of all names? Or is it such a difficult task to spend a fortnight on a name?? Infuse, galaxy, charm, nexus and what not. The history bleeds colorful names, and the future will witness only dreaded numerical extensions! Why blame all when you can hit the king, Nokia; no offence but your 6600, 7620 were never liked by my memory, and my STM detested its mere mention. Not leaving the runner's up behind, there is Blackberry. Where the bolds get a bit of an escape as it goes only till 4, the curve sucks every inch of grey matter present as you fruitlessly try to remember your favorite. Give them names people! They might just be the next miracle of the year, and you certainly don't want them to be known only as an extension! And about problems with the creative heads, Creative Summer Camps! anyone?
Monday, September 10, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
The Art of Equivocation
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Go Mobile!
This is my first mobile post as every single post before this came from my dual core PC). A mobile is now capable of almost everything that once only a PC could perform. Well that's because we no longer live in a world of 300MHz processors but a crackling 1.6 GHz!. The 14" CRTs have been transformed into 22" LEDs but the meager two inch screens have also been replaced by screens measuring 4 inches or more. Couple it with the fact that a technology in appreciated more if it becomes mobile. The same happens to gadgets when super-fast 1GHz+ processors are put under 4" hood that pack retina or AMOLED display and are fitted with cameras capable of shooting in full HD. It has become a new arena for battle where everyone is trying their level best to outrun others. The tech world has found a new driving force in the form of the mobile platform. Facebook forcing marketing sector to adjust and respond to this new mobile platform is a good example of that. Organizations like Instagram are getting paid billions of dollars as it witnesses an increasing subscriber base as it adds up android to the existing iOS platform. It would be rightful to say that if there will be a Facebook killer, it will be born mobile. A fact backing this assumption is that over 425M of Facebook's active users are mobile, with some sources listing the number as high as 488M, which is more than 50% of it total subscriber base(900M).
The fight for creating the most superior OS has reached a new level and has now got a new platform. It's Android vs iOS vs Windows( yes some will argue that I forgot Blackberry OS, Bada and Symbian, but in this age of tech crusade these oldies have failed to cope up. They might just vanish!) Apple's iOS 6 was a crisp and bold answer to Ice Cream Sandwich and Windows8 but the upcoming android upgrades are packing a punch as well, making the war truly looks "thermonuclear"! Browsers, development software or design and graphic packages, there's a new platform for them all.
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The fight for creating the most superior OS has reached a new level and has now got a new platform. It's Android vs iOS vs Windows( yes some will argue that I forgot Blackberry OS, Bada and Symbian, but in this age of tech crusade these oldies have failed to cope up. They might just vanish!) Apple's iOS 6 was a crisp and bold answer to Ice Cream Sandwich and Windows8 but the upcoming android upgrades are packing a punch as well, making the war truly looks "thermonuclear"! Browsers, development software or design and graphic packages, there's a new platform for them all.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Prometheus : Where was the edge?

Friday, June 15, 2012
iOS 6 : And what it packs
Apple's WWDC 2012 finally broke the ice and revealed the much awaited iOS 6. To the much debated controversy that android is giving apple's iOS a run, and that windows 8 might become the ultimate platform for tablet, apple gives an answer and yes, it's solid! The new OS is quite appealing and is packed with some features that can declare apple as a winner hands down, with maps and Siri remaining the stars of the show. Apple rounded out on 10 basic features which I take on one by one.
Map elements being vector based, and graphics and text being incredibly detailed — even when zoomed all the way in, is very smooth. 3D mapping and turn-by-turn voice navigation makes sure iOS users ditch Google maps now. Real time traffic and ETA details adds to it as bonus.
Your very beloved Siri can now book movie tickets and can do dinner reservations. Can check the best food of your taste and tell the latest movie reviews. Want to know the latest scores and stats for your favorite teams and players? Thanks to iOS 6, Siri knows the answers. Siri has also been taught to post directly on Facebook and open your favorite apps without you tapping the screen even once.With Siri now available in more languages and more countries, and the addition of the same to the new generation iPad, it surely becomes your favorite assistance.
Integrated Facebook:
Facebook has been integrated deep into the core of iOS, sharing of photo or location now does not need any app and can be done directly from the camera and maps. Profile information has been integrated into Calendar and contacts. No update will be missed now.
Shared photo streams:
Photos can now be shared with a simple share button with people having apple devices directly, and for those who don't, there is web. You can even view shared photo streams on Apple TV.
Now that is something that is one of my favorites. Apple brings all your boarding passes, movie tickets, retail coupons, loyalty cards, and more in one place. This one integrated app that lets you check in for a flight, get into a movie, and redeem a coupon. You can also see when your coupons expire, where your concert seats are, and the balance left on that all-important coffee bar card. No more hunting through your wallet searching for gift cards, coupons, passes, or tickets. Passbook keeps everything organized — and handy. Also Passbook is time and location enabled, so passes and tickets show on your Lock screen when and where you need them — just swipe to get your pass.
FaceTime now works over cellular networks as well as Wi-Fi, so you can make and receive FaceTime calls wherever you happen to be. You can even make and receive FaceTime calls on your iPad using your phone number.
The new iOS lets you decline a call and immediately reply back with a message or puts on a reminder for calling back. The new Do Not Disturb feature suppress all incoming calls and notifications which can be enabled manually or scheduled at a recurring time. It also allows calls from your favorites or specific contact groups.
Mailing and browsing get a bit of an edge with Safari getting faster, lets you pick up from where you left, and allows you to post photos and videos without exiting Safari via camera roll. Mail has a VIP inbox so that you never miss something important from someone important.
iOS 6 comes with even more features to make it easier for people with vision, hearing, learning, and mobility disabilities to get the most from their iOS devices. Guided Access helps students with disabilities such as autism to remain on task and focused on content by limiting an iOS device to one app by disabling the Home button, as well as restrict touch input on certain areas of the screen. VoiceOver, the revolutionary screen reader for blind and low-vision users, is now integrated with Maps, AssistiveTouch, and Zoom.
Find my phone is something where apple takes on BlackBerry's BlackBerry Protect allowing user to track the position of their lost iphone and locking it instantly via a simple pin. iOS 6 gives you location base alerts and supports up to 30,000 characters. Now that's something in-special for China. Another treat is Baidu being an in-built option in Safari, and sharing of videos directly to Youku and Tudou. iOS 6 will be available on iphone 3GS, 4, 4S, iPad 2, the new iPad and 4th gen iPod touch although not all features will be compatible with all the given devices.
That was the whole new OS summed up briefly. But the big question still remains, will it be enough for apple to keep iOS as the pioneer OS and prevent Google's android from taking over? Recent researches show that apple still holds the major web traffic in tablets i.e. around 91%, but will that along with the new "feature-full" OS be enough? New OS came but kept many a people disappointed as they got nothing about iphone 5. With iOS 6 hitting the market this fall we just hope iphone 5 comes along. And if it would be packing a few of the rumors that are going around, then it would be a legend, only without Mr. Jobs this time.
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Map elements being vector based, and graphics and text being incredibly detailed — even when zoomed all the way in, is very smooth. 3D mapping and turn-by-turn voice navigation makes sure iOS users ditch Google maps now. Real time traffic and ETA details adds to it as bonus.
Your very beloved Siri can now book movie tickets and can do dinner reservations. Can check the best food of your taste and tell the latest movie reviews. Want to know the latest scores and stats for your favorite teams and players? Thanks to iOS 6, Siri knows the answers. Siri has also been taught to post directly on Facebook and open your favorite apps without you tapping the screen even once.With Siri now available in more languages and more countries, and the addition of the same to the new generation iPad, it surely becomes your favorite assistance.
Integrated Facebook:
Facebook has been integrated deep into the core of iOS, sharing of photo or location now does not need any app and can be done directly from the camera and maps. Profile information has been integrated into Calendar and contacts. No update will be missed now.
Shared photo streams:
Photos can now be shared with a simple share button with people having apple devices directly, and for those who don't, there is web. You can even view shared photo streams on Apple TV.
Now that is something that is one of my favorites. Apple brings all your boarding passes, movie tickets, retail coupons, loyalty cards, and more in one place. This one integrated app that lets you check in for a flight, get into a movie, and redeem a coupon. You can also see when your coupons expire, where your concert seats are, and the balance left on that all-important coffee bar card. No more hunting through your wallet searching for gift cards, coupons, passes, or tickets. Passbook keeps everything organized — and handy. Also Passbook is time and location enabled, so passes and tickets show on your Lock screen when and where you need them — just swipe to get your pass.
FaceTime now works over cellular networks as well as Wi-Fi, so you can make and receive FaceTime calls wherever you happen to be. You can even make and receive FaceTime calls on your iPad using your phone number.
The new iOS lets you decline a call and immediately reply back with a message or puts on a reminder for calling back. The new Do Not Disturb feature suppress all incoming calls and notifications which can be enabled manually or scheduled at a recurring time. It also allows calls from your favorites or specific contact groups.
Mailing and browsing get a bit of an edge with Safari getting faster, lets you pick up from where you left, and allows you to post photos and videos without exiting Safari via camera roll. Mail has a VIP inbox so that you never miss something important from someone important.
iOS 6 comes with even more features to make it easier for people with vision, hearing, learning, and mobility disabilities to get the most from their iOS devices. Guided Access helps students with disabilities such as autism to remain on task and focused on content by limiting an iOS device to one app by disabling the Home button, as well as restrict touch input on certain areas of the screen. VoiceOver, the revolutionary screen reader for blind and low-vision users, is now integrated with Maps, AssistiveTouch, and Zoom.
Find my phone is something where apple takes on BlackBerry's BlackBerry Protect allowing user to track the position of their lost iphone and locking it instantly via a simple pin. iOS 6 gives you location base alerts and supports up to 30,000 characters. Now that's something in-special for China. Another treat is Baidu being an in-built option in Safari, and sharing of videos directly to Youku and Tudou. iOS 6 will be available on iphone 3GS, 4, 4S, iPad 2, the new iPad and 4th gen iPod touch although not all features will be compatible with all the given devices.
That was the whole new OS summed up briefly. But the big question still remains, will it be enough for apple to keep iOS as the pioneer OS and prevent Google's android from taking over? Recent researches show that apple still holds the major web traffic in tablets i.e. around 91%, but will that along with the new "feature-full" OS be enough? New OS came but kept many a people disappointed as they got nothing about iphone 5. With iOS 6 hitting the market this fall we just hope iphone 5 comes along. And if it would be packing a few of the rumors that are going around, then it would be a legend, only without Mr. Jobs this time.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
The Dreamer
Do the horses of your audacious mind run tirelessly in the playground of your world? Do they pose as the proud denizens of it? Is your mind always knitting new connections, constructing new roads that lead to a different and exotic locations every time? Do the limits disappear as soon as the mind starts scripting its imagination? Do you suddenly transform into a free bird which knows no boundaries, has no boss, who does not believe in destiny, who does it all but by itself? Let me abbreviate it for you; Are you a Dreamer? Talking of a dreamer it is me who stands in the witness box for I represent my race. We have no fear, we feel no pain and know no limits when we dream. We think solutions, not problems; we participate, not gaze. Do YOU too belong to our kind? Have you worn that dress that somehow never came out of the showroom? Have you ever driven the car whose keys you never had? have you ever eaten stuff that never came off the menu? Have you condemned what you always detested although you could never govern it? Have you lived everyday? have you laughed in the face of the most adverse conditions? Have you been adroit and called the whole world oaf? Have mysterious people come and allayed your pain magically? Have you alleviated the whole world from its abject condition? have you showed altruism even if you are penniless? If yes, then we are alike. It's great, isn't it? To be able to do everything beforehand, gives you foresight into the future.. You have a magical place where every wound gets healed. Where every person is amiable and supporting, where you always live under some aegis. We win, we celebrate; we fail, we dream again, and this time we win.If we fail again, we dream bigger and win bigger. You get a cure for all the distress, all the solitude, all the "nobody-gives-a-damn" feeling. It's all up there, its obscure, no one knows about it. Yet, tens of parallel connections create the greatest wonders possible. If its the first time you have realized it, aim bigger this time; if you already knew, know that you are alone. We are like the immortal army that somehow never gets defeated and always returns victorious. So for all our brothers and sisters, all those who are with us, abreast lets dream, lets dream together, and lets achieve it bigger, together. So leave the busy schedule, leave the monotonous routine. Go! just Dream...am waiting... we all are waiting...!
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The clock struck 12 and so does solitude. Gazing tirelessly into the mist of nothingness, wondering if there exists, a reason for it all. It is the beginning of a new day, the might sun will scorch brightly a few hours later, but till then its the moon, the solitaire up there standing lone among the black curtains, with light falling on my face, enlightening my vision, telling that there's someone up there, standing in the midst of darkness. Someone who took the baton from the yellow burner to spread white light at night. The burden of enlightenment in the midst of solitude because everyone's dozed off. He does not need to talk, his emotions are bound, or maybe it's because there's no one at this stark darkness to accompany him. He still does not care. Throws white light on my face as I stare. I think we have a lot in common. Our worlds are same but we rarely find someone. Its like pitch darkness, you see nothing, you see no one; maybe because there is no one. But he does not complain, fulfills his duty, he is enlightening, I might be his only company , but he doesn't care. s my face lights up, half though, with the silver light that enlightens both my body and soul. I look closely, I gaze back at the gazing moon. I see spots, I fell his spots. They are like incomplete, missing puzzle piece, denting his personality. But he is solitaire, he does not care, he's doing what he's appointed for- enlightening. But enlightenment is for people, and there are no people, there's only darkness, pitch black, hollow darkness, eating away anything that is present, or may be. But am sure there's no one, no one needs enlightenment, its just darkness. But he doesn't care. Just a few more hours and the yellow burner will take his baton back, as people need to see him for their morning. The white light goes unnoticed. But he doesn't care. And I still stare, stare at those spots, like hollowness, like fear, but he stands alone and does his work so its not fear. Its hollowness, something's missing, those missing puzzle pieces. But he does not bother, he doesn't want to find. I stare, I care, I feel the hollowness, looking for the missing pieces. I make efforts, but its just me, not he, for he does not care, just plays his role every night and leaves silently. He let the yellow burner brag. Is it the spots? is it because he's ugly? is it because he's tainted, imperfect, unlike the yellow burner which burns every inch of himself, nothing missing? I care, I think he's not ugly, the spots are scars, love scars, war scars, scars of good, scars of bad. They make him beautiful. The scars are beautiful, the spots are beautiful. People would disagree, although some might agree, but he doesn't care, for it is only I who stare and cares, I think too much. We have in common. I suffer, he suffers. I feel, I tell, he just stands quietly, silently, gazing, throwing the silver light, enlightening the darkness, enlightening the "no one", enlightening the nothingness. In the midst of solitude, he stays, I stare, but he does not care, he does not care, he does not care...
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Just like that..
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Samsung is next, When is Nokia?
There was a time when Nokia ruled the country, there was a time when every new cracker launched in the sky hailed Nokia, but now it seems Samsung is celebrating a much louder Diwali. There was a time when N series filled every shelf, but now its Galaxy S II that resides in every other hand and Galaxy Note ready to shake it further. Where has Nokia lost it? Is it lack of creativity and fewer products? or the supply and demand gap that the generation demands and Nokia is unable to shell? N8 did a thing, so did E7; but like a 3 star movie it faded in few weeks leaving the Korean Giant rule the ancient territory of the Finish authority. What is next? Yes its Samsung! Guru caters the lower, Champ the entry. Corby caused a crave and now Galaxy is conquering. Is Nokia Lumia 800 enough for Nokia to regain it's status? Is it packed enough to make eyes crave and make people reach for their pockets? Yes its true Nokia enjoys the trust of us Indians; we have been mentally structured to favor, trust the one that's been coming for long. But the market is changing, changing fast for the demands to become more demanding. Symbian might not even work it's charm anymore. Nokia has played it's gamble it's gamble with Microsoft packed inside Nokia. A 3.7 inch screen which could have been a little bigger and only 720p resolution display put a big question mark. We can only hope, this truly acts as a comeback weapon for Nokia and let the Finnish rule again. It's New Year Nokia, do a miracle and rule our hearts. Make us shout Next is Nokia. Till then...all hail Samsung??
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Cruise Control
How did you celebrate the new year? Grooving to the beats all night? Getting dunk? o maybe just sitting back at home and watching those late night award shows. Well my one was celebrated watching movies, that too Cruise Mania! Apart from the outing that happened on the 31st morning, the main party started at 9 pm with Knight and Day. Must say, Cruise did a wonderful job and Cameron Diaz was hilarious. A wonderful action comedy accompanied by a big cheese burst farm house pizza, Thank You Dominoz!! like they say, "Khushiyon ki home delivery" Just amazing! 11 pm and its animation time. Entangled-everyone read the story of the long haired Rapunzel. The same old story with a good Disney twist and modern day punches. The stud thief hero and the innocent princess make their way back just in time for the "Minority Report" to start. It was my second cruise doze and the new year had begun. 1 am and the pre-cog, 2054 era set movie stated where tom portrayed a pre-crime patrol officer who stopped crime before happening booking accused for future murders.. The movie ended with me desperate to have a little more of the thrilling actor. And I did!! The movie was followed by "Top Gun", the hit Tom Cruise flick. Well trust me. if you haven't seen it, better do!! You'll find Ton irresistibly cute. Damn! The movie ended at 5 leaving me adrenaline filled but its time to clean a bit of the "party material" I gave away my stating hours to Tom Cruise. Whom did you give it to? Oops! nearly forgot the resolutions. Suggestions? Will just hope my this year is better propelled and cruise controlled!!
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Just like that..
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